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Linga Longa Pub for Lunch

By Officer Hardass
Category: H.O.G. Rides

It had been a few weeks since my last ride so I was itching to get on the road for decent day ride and when I saw this ride on the HOG calendar I got bloody excited.

We all met at BP Beresfield at 9:00am for a 9:30am departure.  In all we had about two dozen bikes arrive, the last of which was Peter a.k.a. Skull.  Now with our full crew we made an exit from the service station and headed up John Renshaw Dr before jumping onto the express way then exiting before Singleton onto the Golden Hwy.

It wasn't long before you realised how little rain there had been out here.  The paddocks were bone dry and what wasn't dirt was crispy.  While it was a perfect day to be on the bike it made me sad to see how hard the landowner's must be struggling.  Before getting too close to Denman we swung a right off the Golden Hwy onto Edderton Rd and took the back way into Muswellbrook.  Again, really pretty scenery but awfully dry.

The next section I got a little lost as we took a few turns on some back roads I hadn't travelled.  Turns out it was a really nice route on the way to arriving at the Linga Longa Pub.  When we pulled up I was itching for a beer so that was the first thing I grabbed before sitting down with Chewy and Melissa for a good chat.  We all had a good rest and a good feed before Sharon decided to attack the kids jumping castle.  It was bloody funny watching her giving it hell.  No doubt she had a ball as well.  In any case, it was time to make a run for home.

Chewy decided on another few back roads home which was awesome.  We even took a good detour through Lambs Valley before peeling off myself once the Newcastle signs were available.

Another top day with a top club.  In total I logged 415km for the trip.